
Let's pretend

We live in pretend times. Nearly everything is fake. Fake news is more common than real news. Our current reality makes The Truman Show look real in comparison. The political and media class and most of our institutions engage in a 24/7 campaign of subterfuge, deceit and outright lies about the past, the present and the future. They pretend many things. For example, they pretend that the importation of millions of people from foreign cultures hasn’t had an effect on crime, terror, division and unhappiness. In fact, they claim the very opposite, that immigration has enriched us and ‘diversity is strength’. They pretend that Islam isn’t a civilisational threat to Britain and the West. When confronted with the murder of one of their kind by an Islamist, MPs instead debated the perils of social media. Labour MP Jess Phillips pretended that the reason the 2024 election was ‘the worst I have ever stood in’ was because of the behaviour of men. And not Islamists, which was the case. With ev

12 reasons why I don't believe there's a climate emergency

I’m not a scientist. But I have reasons why I don’t fully trust the ‘climate emergency’ narrative. Here they are: 1 Looking back through history, there have always been doomsday prophets, folk who say the world is coming to an end. Are modern-day activists not just the current version of this? 2 I look at some of the facts – CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere; humans are responsible for just 3% of CO2; Britain is responsible for just 1% of the world’s CO2 output – and I think ‘ really ’? Will us de-carbonising really make a difference to the Earth’s climate? 3 I have listened to some top scientists who say CO2 does not drive global warming; that CO2 in the atmosphere is a good/vital thing; that many other things, like the sun and the clouds and the oceans, are more responsible for the Earth’s temperature. 4 I note that most of the loudest climate activists are socialists and on the Left. Are they not just using this movement to push their dreams of a deindustrialised socialist utopia? And

Is this the death of cinema?

2023’s Oscars ceremony was significant, as it may well have been the last time we see its kind. Because like the terrible idea to expand the football World Cup to 48 teams next time round, the rules are being changed by the Academy. See the press release here , which presents the most serious assault ever seen on the workings of the film industry.   Read it? Then I’ll continue. (Do please read it. It's horrifying. Yes, the Academy has been dodgy and corrupt for years, but this is a new frontier of awfulness.) It was of course a plan conceived in one of the worst years the civilised world has ever seen, 2020, when not only did the compassion fascists fulfil their dream of controlling people’s behaviour to the Nth degree (because of a disease akin to the seasonal flu), but the race obsessives/warriors/grifters fulfilled their dream of making people bend the knee to the great god of anti-racism (because of the death of a black recidivist), actions which did very little to halt the

Random thoughts 5

A selection of the comments I post on newspaper websites... (Most recent first) These ones are all lockdown-related. Upsides of lockdown: 1 POSSIBLY slowed the virus spread SLIGHTLY for a short time Downsides of lockdown: 1 Added to the mountain of national debt – each month we now spend more on servicing the debt than on defence 2 Caused immense psychological damage to millions – even now you see the odd person walking round outside in a mask 3 Had a terrible effect on other health conditions such as cancer – and in terms of YEARS lost of life, is vastly more than covid. In general public health suffered because people exercised less, drank more, worried more and felt lonelier 4 Damaged the socialisation and education of children – with effects possibly lasting a lifetime 5 The furlough scheme turbo-charged Brits’ belief in getting something for nothing, ie the government will pay you to do nothing – this will continue to have a devastating effect on productivity 6 Trust in public h