Epilogue: I got Covid
After writing this blog about Covid and the counter-productive measures taken to ‘fight’ it for nearly two years I appear to have finally got the bug. Has it changed my mind on anything I have previously written? Will all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity? Read on. The week beginning March 21 was one of my most active in a long time. I went out with friends, visited several pubs, played football, went into the office three times, did a supermarket shop, took my car for an MOT and more. So lots of mixing with the great unwashed. By the Saturday, March 26, ambling round a village in Wiltshire, I began to feel a little ‘off’. Initially I put this down to have been bitten nine ruddy times by some pesky insect the night before - perhaps it had given me some mild fever. By the following day the bites were certainly itchy but I also felt a bit ‘flu-y’ and with less energy than normal. My back was a bit sore too, but sadly that’s nothing new. By Monday I had an occasional dr...