Random thoughts

Just a collection of a few things I've written down over the last couple of months (most recent first):

Can't believe what they've now done in the north east. Well I can, because they're utter fools.

They still haven't realised that it is lockdowns that CREATE problems, they do not SOLVE problems. The more you have, the more problems you create. It's like someone with a sore head being told to bang their head against the wall to make it better. And then after they've done that and it's even sorer, being told to bang it a bit more, that'll make it better. And so on and so on.

This government is revolting. I see their policy thus:

To give a VERY SMALL amount of people a FEW more months life they have made the lives of MANY people MUCH worse for a very LONG time.

And what's more their policies aren't even saving lives, they're taking them - people are dying of worry, of loneliness, of other health conditions, from suicide.

Boris Johnson is little more than a pea-brained criminal.

This virus has been a godsend to governments around the world because it allows them to bully their people and make them do exactly what they say.

The (over)reaction to this virus seems to have been caused by the SUCCESS of the 20th century, when average life expectancy greatly increased. Considering the typical age of 82 for a Covid victim, these people would simply not have been around 100 years ago.

Add in, post World War 2, a desire to cling to precious life no matter what. The tragic irony is that, while we made our lives better and safer, we lost all perspective and are now inflicting upon ourselves terrible suffering that a wiser, leaner, poorer society would not have stood for.

To wear a mask now is almost another form of virtue signalling. Not by everyone who does it, but by a fair number I'd say: the same types who cheered on BLM and put Pride stickers on their social media are the ones wearing their masks with great relish... showing that they CARE, that they're good, and looking down their noses at those who don't.

Whereas in fact they're just silly, facile, ridiculous people who have no idea that they're just the useful little sheep who trot along with whatever the liberal orthodoxy of the time is.


So the govt's safe limit is no more than 20 people out of 100,000.

What are the chances you'll come into contact with any of those people?

What are the chances you'll be infected by those people?

What are the chances you'll get severely ill if you even are infected?

All we get from this a wrecked travel industry and people having their holidays and lives wrecked by a govt who told us that the initial lockdown measures were to spread the level of infection so the NHS could cope.


I grew up in the 1970s with three TV channels. I tell you, if this virus had arrived then, without the internet, without 24 hour news, without social media, we would NOT have had the crazed, counter-productive reaction we've had to it.

But now we live in an age of hysteria stoked by way too much media, and it has destroyed us. Governments have been way too weak to fight it.

I wonder whether there are people in parts of Asia, Africa, South America etc - with their deadly spiders, horrible infectious diseases, TB, malaria, snakes, insects that can nearly kill you, sometimes horrible weather conditions, natural disasters - who are looking at the developed world's reaction to a virus which, if you get it, you have a 99.7% chance of recovering from and saying.... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???!!!! You've turned your countries upside down, ruined your lives for years and years... for THIS??!!

Governments of the world, including this one, are stuck in their own bizarre logic loop: the more tests we have (which is surely good), means that, obviously, more infections are being found, but then that data is used to shut places down, ruining lives and livelihoods.

If they keep up this Alice in Wonderland behaviour we will never get out of this dreadful situation.

And because we had this ludicrous lockdown policy in the first place, OF COURSE when lifted there will be more infections, because they were previously suppressed. We are just stretching the torture out - herd immunity has not been developed whereas otherwise it might have been.

But Bunter Boris was too scared of short term unpopularity and the Tories were terrified that the Red Wall might not see them as caring enough for the flipping NHS.

I despair. 

It's difficult to say what is the biggest scandal of the Johnson govt: wrecking the health of the nation; wrecking the education of the nation; crushing several sectors of business to dust; or the repeal of ancient civil liberties; making millions of people psychologically unstable.

The government can't stop piling on the lies, and this was something that was built on a lie anyway. They said the lockdown was to protect the health of the nation.

How does it help health if you shut the gyms and sports centres?

How does it help health if you tell people not to go outside to get fresh air, exercise and sunshine?

How does it help health to close the dentists?

How does it help health to stop cancer treatments, routine check-ups and many other medical procedures?

How does it help MENTAL health if you keep people under virtual house arrest?

This is madness, and it's quite incredible that so many have gone along with it.

Positive things the lockdown has done:

Spread the infection rate out a bit (possibly)

Negative things the lockdown has done:

Destroyed millions of jobs

Wrecked kids' education and possibly psychologically scarred them for years

Swept a load of other ailments, like cancer and heart disease, under the carpet

Crushed ancient civil liberties to dust

Incurred the biggest govt debt ever

Send mobs stir crazy so they go and smash stuff up

Hastened the demise of the high street

Delayed democratic elections by a year

Turned half the nation into terrified OCD freaks

Still, swings and roundabouts eh? 

It seems the government has been busy compiling a list of what NOT to do in a health crisis in the last two months:

Shut parts of many hospitals and encourage people to stay away from them.

Don't do health checks at airports (and then when the virus is much, much weaker, bizarrely introduce a two week quarantine period which will destroy the airline industry).

Shunt virus victims into care homes.

Go with a 2m distance rule, not the 1m recommended by the WHO - thereby ensuring destruction for retail and hospitality.

Allow the police force to ensure totally absurd rules about not getting into parks or sitting on park benches etc.

Not allow dentists to open.

And there's a million more.


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