Messages from friends

Received a couple of messages from friends, the first illustrating the terrible madness of the testing system:

Just as an amusing anecdote my taxi driver today. He explained he and three members of his family went for a test (as he'd been in contact with someone infected). When they got to the centre they were told there was a four hour wait, he said "sod that!" And they all left without being swabbed... Thirty-six hours later all four of them received a text that they had all tested positive and had to isolate by law for 14 days! ....and that system cost us 12 billion pounds???

And the second, really very sad and awful, showing a) how this thing has divided us and b) the level of delusion in some people, and how they've been grossly misled by our government:

My oldest friend in the world [named deleted] who've I've known since we were three isn't speaking to me now. He is paranoid he's going to get [the virus] and either die or pass onto his 70+yo parents and kill them. He thinks I'm irresponsible & disappointed at my attitude and looks at me with disgust. He doesn't care about the economy... lives matter more and we should get covid cases to nil whatever it takes. He takes in the BBC scaremongering news every day as sacrosanct.

He will not listen to my arguments and when I send him stuff he won't even read it as he says it is all utter nonsense and there is no conspiracy and people are idiots not to take notice of the mainstream impartial news coverage, govt rules and SAGE and Imperial College are the expert experts, the v best which is why they advise the govt apparently. He thinks the schools and everything should be closed until Covid is defeated to save everyone. He thinks we should have a much much tougher lockdown where no-one leaves their house for months! Earlier in year between June and September I called at his house four times and he wouldn't let me in or offer me a drink and made me stand 10 feet from his front door to talk for fear of potential infection... 

I was with him at nursery, play group, reception and through school and played football in the same teams and socialised and supported him and grown up with him and shared a lot of life and now I'm a leper for having my own mind and calling out the worst injustices seen in my lifetime. It's so divisive of society... and cruel.


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