Random thoughts 4

In reaction to Jellyfish Johnson's new chapter of tyranny, here are a section of thoughts I've posted in various places on the internet...

Covid doesn’t scare me; the government scares me. 

The virus has struck just at the time that western civilisation is at its lowest ebb - navel-gazing, lachrymose, vain, miserable, spoilt, lazy, dishonest, believing in nothing. If this was a sane world, the emergency would have been over by early summer 2020.

Whoever said it is always best to live in the moment clearly wasn’t thinking about 2020 and 2021.

Mandatory masking represents the most fundamental change seen in centuries in the relationship between the state and the individual. The state is telling you what you must wear on your face, and there are financial penalties for not doing so. Read that back; let it sink in. It is monstrous, yet people support it because a) they’ve been terrified by the government and b) they haven’t been given the full facts about the efficacy of masks.

It’s so easy for some middle-class, pampered Guardian journalist to say people should wear masks - they’ve never worn them all week, every day for eight hours, on their feet, dealing with customers in a retail environment. It’s classic snobbery, not giving a damn about those less fortunate than you.

Naturally acquired immunity doesn’t make money, but vaccines make squllions of pounds. This is all about the acquisition of money and power, and naturally the institutions want forever Covid.

Of course they want to cancel Christmas, they’re puritans, that’s what puritans do.

The reaction to this virus has been greatly disproportionate from March 2020 onwards; the latest rules are more detached from reality than ever.

I do not condemn the conspiracy theorists. The officials' reaction to this thing has been so mad and so crazed (borderline psychopathic) that I think there must be ulterior motives. Is it all about creating obedient and dutiful citizens forever?

The response to this has demonstrated the havoc applying the precautionary principle can create. 

Damn the economy, damn people’s sanity, damn all the other health conditions worsening - let’s just focus on this one thing shall we?

It beggars belief that more draconian measures have been put into place until March before we even know how bad this variant this.

It also beggars belief that this has been done in the same week as it was announced that there may be as many as 740,000 undiagnosed cancer cases in the UK.

This must all be a bad dream, surely. The world and the UK can surely have not gone this mad, bad and dangerous?

It's terrifying what has happened in the last two years, I never thought I'd see such things in my lifetime.

Now it's: have the jab, clap the NHS, have another jab, take the knee, have another jab, wear your mask, have another jab, be a good little citizen and don't question anything the govt or media say or your comment will be deleted/your video taken down/your voice silenced in some way.

It's truly chilling how many have gone along with this. But then this is a govt that has weaponised fear.

The powers that be aren't letting the facts get in their way of their latest onslaught on freedom and liberty. The fact that this scariant almost certainly gives milder symptoms.

They just don't care any more, do they - they're brazen - they know they're lying, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying etc, but on they go. It takes some brass neck.

Trust in our institutions has been shattered: a very heavy price will be paid for this catastrophe in the years to come. They're short-term thinkers in every possible sense.

Our leaders have completely lost sight of their original intentions: it was to stop mass death. It was NOT to stop people getting mildly unwell, which is what we have now.

Millions of lives are being blighted because of rules and restrictions. Families will be kept apart, friends will fall out, businesses will go bust. For what? We are existing, not living. The most dull, puritanical people you ever met are responsible for making your life vastly worse than it otherwise would be.

My YouTube page keeps coming up with Covid stuff which I don't want, and always follows the narrative. Facebook would have banned you a year ago for saying it was a lab leak - now it's thought that this is likely.

Big tech is out of control, and very dangerous. For further examples, type 'lockdown' into Google and then into Yandex and compare the auto-completes. 'Sceptics' follows in Yandex - not in Google of course.

The late great Christopher Hitchens once said that movements can consist of a mass of ignorant people and a small amount of sinister people at the top.

I'd say that's what we have with the Covid cult. Willing, unthinking people going along with any garbage an authority figure tells them, and the dodgy likes of politicians, big pharma, big tech and public health zealots at the top.

Terrible times we are in, with no obvious way out. Fear is one hell of a tool.

There are indeed many lockdown lovers on the Left but there are on the Right too, as the Telegraph messageboards often demonstrate. Both The Mirror and The Express campaign for the crushing of freedom.

It's an unholy alliance of Left and Right that has ensured this hell never stops. It was neatly illustrated the other day when leftie Guardian writer Peter Bradshaw retweeted a ranty pro-mask tweet by authoritarian rightie Stephen Pollard.

We live in times of extreme safetyism.

The reason why we're under such grotesque and counter-productive restrictions is for the same reason that when I start work in the morning I have to type my password in about six times and then another code three times. This is our era, sadly, one of over-reaction.

They were just waiting for an excuse to ramp up restrictions weren't they, and they found one - even though this variant gives MILDER symptoms! But the power-mad, venal, loathsome people who lord over us have absolutely no shame at all. The sheep have let them get away with so much that they can do anything they like now.

There's no hope, is there?

The opposition to this nightmare govt are EVEN WORSE than the govt itself (a govt that is being controlled by global bodies, obvs).

What's the point in living if we're just merely existing?

The world continues to go insane.

This variant is probably a GOOD thing, as a top Australian doctor has said. It gives MILDER symptoms. Didn't we used to think that was a good thing?

If more people believed in Heaven - I don't happen to - then we wouldn't have most of this. People are terrified of dying, terrified of the eternal void of nothingness, and cling on to life with their fingertips, no matter how dismal the quality of that life. So freedoms and rights are trampled in the simple (and wrongheaded) pursuit of longevity. It is crazy.

We are truly screwed. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a distant memory.

We've gone from "we must save every life" to "we can't let one person get mildly ill".

The former was debatable, the latter is madness.

We are living in times of pure medical tyranny.

So much for an "irreversible" end to restrictions in the summer.

Johnson lies when his lips move. And the fact that he's as fat as ever showed that he wasn't even good on his promise to lose weight.

We are now at the point where even though we know the action to be wrong, the action is still taken.

We KNOW, from masses of data, that masks have done almost nothing to stop viral spread.

We KNOW, from masses of data, that these 'vaccines' are nothing of the sort, but we're still coerced into getting them.

This is postmodernism in action; this is is post-truth, post-enlightenment thinking. This is where we now are in the West. Many hoped that Johnson would be a buttress against this stuff - instead he's been a willing participant.

All this moronic maniac is good at is spreading fear.

It's like March 2020 all over again: a terrible decision made in a panic, that will have maladroit consequences, that is both anti-science and anti-human. A safetyist, cowardly prime minister and govt who go on repeating the same appalling mistakes.

The heart sinks.

For the first time in medical history….

PCR tests were used to diagnose illness

If you died within 28 days of a positive test you were classed as a victim of this disease

‘Cases’ were defined as positive tests

The spread of the disease by people with no symptoms was said to be the main driver

Masks were recommended to stop viral spread

Healthy people were told to stay at home

There was mass testing of healthy people

The morons and the maniacs are in charge.

This can evade vaccines they say. And then say be sure to get the vaccine.

Wear a mask they say. Even though this has done nothing elsewhere to stop viral spread.

And the scary thing is that most people are too stupid to see through this evil garbage.

Just look at Sweden, with no lockdowns ever: they had NEGATIVE excess mortality rate from Jan 2020 to July 2021 - and they didn't smash their civil liberties, people's mental well-being and their treasury's coffers. 

As Mustafa Akyol said to Jordan Peterson on a podcast recently (not talking about the Covid response, but it could be applied to it), the stupidity of governments is in part a result of them making decisions based on short term interests rather than long term consequences. Western government’s decisions have more impact because those governments have more power. 

An old lady I know still barely leaves the house.

When the post and papers are pushed through the door she leaves them for about quarter an hour for fear that she will catch the virus from them.

THIS is what Boris Johnson has done by terrorising the nation for two years. And Whitty, Vallance, Hancock, Javid, Cummings, Gove, Patel, Ferguson, Shapps and the rest. I don't know how these people can look themselves in the mirror.


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