
Showing posts from January, 2022

I was right about everything

  Well, almost everything.    In this post, which I hope will be my last on the madness we have endured, I boast of my sagacity in seeing lockdown measures for the disasters they have been. As  more and more are waking up  to the terrible damage inflicted on countries by their own governments on the pretext of fighting a virus, I go all Trump and show off, pointing to my 2020 posts that say exactly the same things that many commentators are now saying, but certainly were not at the time.    The reason I set this blog up was Toby Young. I emailed him a piece I had written entitled ‘Whatever happened to Boris Johnson?’ and he responded to say that his website Lockdown Sceptics (as it then was) would link to it if I published it online. So I created Mad World expressly for that reason, published my Johnson article on it, sent it to Toby - and he responded: “This isn’t for us, Russell”! I was gutted! And slightly annoyed. I wanted to whimper in response “B...